Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Project 2


Sheldon Kazmarski said...

I enjoy the topic of debate that the video is bringing to light. It is interesting that we as a society view fighting as being barbaric. It is said that fighting never solves anything. But is there a difference between fighting for sport, or in sport, or in war which is purpose driven? I believe that the video pieces incorporated into this project work well but I feel as if there could have been more. I thought making the reference to people still being animalistic with showing the cats fighting was brilliant. I usually dont like seeing images of war. I've become numb to some extent and my interest in the subject is exausted. I think alot of people feel like that. But I have to say that in this case, I think this video could be taken to a whole new level by poking fun and exposing society's views on war where people die purposely, to fist fighting involved in sport. I think you could almost make a similarity that war is sport. Two opponents face off, no pun intended towards ice hockey. Oh and one other thing...I love the canadain hockey fan in the weird hat. I'm sure that he gets ecstatic because of this lovefor the game. You should use more sound bites from him and maybe some more videos in the piece. This video could be made to seem like this is his opinion and not yours. That is a whole new level of a dynamic video...Artistic recognition removed from the work.

lholiway said...

I thought you did a really good job of getting your concept across to the viewer. i really enjoyed your audio edits that put emphasis on the bare knuckle fighting and how it can be perceived to be "archaic." i also really like the images you used. i think repetition worked really well for this video. the only problem i really had with it, was the fact that it just kinda cuts off. I feel like a better conclusion to this film could have been made. but for the most part, well done!

Elisha Fleck said...

I think I agree with everyone else so far, just really going further with your concept using additional imagery that creates even stronger contrasts and parallels to human and animal fighting; I think you could even add some other facet of "fighting" too...maybe? but really nice editing, the pacing was exciting!